An Inspiration: Changing the World Through Creative Entrepreneurship

From article about Kalev Leetaru.

“The spirit of creation is at the heart of entrepreneurship.”

Well said, these were inspirational words from the man, a renowned entrepreneur in the field of virtual reality.

From the article, Kalev started his entrepreneurial path in his 8th grade, writing a software which allowed users to develop their own web pages. And together with his father, launched Gamacles Software.

Entrepreneurship starting from young or at least when one undergoes education is the best way to practice the trade where one can practice to Perfection under "controlled" enviroments. In this way, it minimizes the risk of failing and increase the number of successes of startups run and managed by these people.

“the biggest hurdle for entrepreneurs in general, and student entrepreneurs in particular, is the business savvy to know how to bring an idea to market and find the resources to actually do so."

Business savvy is a taught process and goes best with education in technical/ professional knowledge. It stimulates one's mind to develop ideas and businesses around the their field of expertises therefore benefitting the industries and economies.

Entrepreneurship is not just a startup knowledge, it is knowledge that works for any field. To be an entrepreneur is to "create products/ services that are meaningful to people, that provide solutions to make their lives easier."

Only through creative thinking that the world is changed and solutions are derived. Without entrepreneurship, who knows what this world will be like.


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